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I Was There When House Took Over the World

  The documentary that covers the rise of Chicago house music is a wonderful portrayal of what it was like when "disco burned" and new music was created from the ashes. I really had no idea how commercialized Disco became at the time, and how much people hated it for its overuse. I personally really enjoy disco music and had no idea how the history of this, especially as I grew up visiting chicago (I am from Peoria, about two hours south of chicago). The understanding of all suppered groups rising up (LGBTQ+, Poc, etc) and making spaces for themselves to enjoy themselves is really great and a parallel to times now too. I really like sampled music and didn't know that in order to create that sound, you had to have two copies of one record in order to sample it like they did. I liked too how they spoke about the DJ who was a heroin addict and that's why he sped the music so much more. It was great to see the people who were to pivotal in this time, talk about this time....

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