Contemporary Artists

Assignment: watch the videos below and identify three artists that interest you, and why. What themes or techniques are of interest to you within their work? Post your responses to your blogs.
- Takeshi Murata- I find Mr. Murata's art to be incredibly beautiful, and satisfying to look at. I might personally have more of an inclination towards digital art, as I have been involved in digital art since high school, but I find his perspective on making "perfect" digital art seemingly imperfect and I think that very ideal draws people into his creations. He balances on this fine line of computer generated and human generated, often blurring the lines. There is a serious immersion that comes with his art, almost like a theater that I find beautiful.
- Mika Rottenberg- Mika has such an interesting task on the world around her and her interpretation. I really like her work "Squeeze" that shows women's roles in labor. In a interview I found of her, she speaks about how women are often a commodity for a certain aspect of their self (she spoke about tall women, short women, curvy women, and thin women) and how those attributes are used the convey power. She talks also about how everything we surround ourselves with has a story, so her films are seemingly poking fun at how we acquire the things we have. I really find her visual medium so compelling and interesting and I like how her videos are thought provoking with her characters.
- Christian Marclay- "The Clock" I found this a very interesting as a visual art installation. The compilation of time seen through movies, TV shows, is a total switch of the narrative. It is almost mind bending in that many times you are watching movies in an effort to pass the time or to be entertained for a period of time, so to think that these excerpts can show how time moves through an time bending space is jarring. Time in movies itself is a sort of mise en scene, so to exploit that purposefully is crazy!
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