Andy Warhol's Life in Color

Before watching this documentary, all I knew of Andy Warhol was that he wore a wig and drew and created these beautifully colorful art pieces of people or things. I never knew why his art was so profound, why his art took the world by storm. I understand now that Andy's art founded the time and the new age art movement. His relationship with his mother was beautiful, and I especially like that he had his mom sign things for him. My mom too has this wonderful script writing and I save every piece of paper I have with her writing. One of my most favorite drawings of Warhol is Boy with Flowers. It is such a clean, tranquil, delicate drawing.

Andy went on from college to make some amazing and later wonderful interesting videos, jarring art, and showing his feelings and personality as well as the world in that very moment. Every great artist has major critics and people who won't understand the artist of their time, and I feel Andy just wanted to be aware of the time he was in. I think Andy really stands out to me and others because he wanted to force the US to look issues in the face. See death, crime, race riots, and even people of other sexuality, drag queens, genders, people who at that time were considers "socially deviant". Andy shone a light to people who would not receive a light or kind of understanding. I like how he likes to have fun, he makes fun of seriousness of art and creations. Overall, Andy was someone who just wanted to be himself, turn art conceptions on it's head, and change how the world understood him, understood others.
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